A Band Called Muskies - Predicting WINDows - Musky Attack

A Band Called Muskies - Predicting WINDows - Musky Attack

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Muskies...The Band

If you’re into psychedelic rock music then we’ve got just the group for you! We discovered there’s actually a band called Muskies.

So we went down the Muskies rabbit hole and couldn’t stop once we started. First up, we came across a live performance video for a song called “Big Boy”

We didn’t know what to expect but it was an edgy fun performance that threw off some Suicidal Tendencies vibes in parts.

Next up we came across the “Out on the Water!” video and things got a little weird. 😂 Let’s just say it was very different from the first song.

Anyone else getting “The Wiggles vibes?

But, we also got what we came for . . . some musky fishin’ lyrics and references. Warning: If you listen to this song, it may get stuck in your head.

Our curiosity kept us checking out more songs and every song was completely different from the next. No more musky lyrics that we could find though.

It turns out these guys are from Salt Lake City and judging by their depictions of muskies in their videos and instagram pages, they may be a little confused about what a musky looks like.

Do you know of any other musicians that reference muskies specifically? If so, respond to this email and let us know about it.

Predicting the WINDow

Anyone chasin’ muskies on pressured water knows timing and feeding windows are huge keys to success. Minnesota guide, Mike Kramer shared some overlooked tips for predicting when these windows will occur during his recent Musky Insider PRO  live Q&A session.

Like most guides, Mike pays attention to the rising and setting of the moon along with moon overhead and underfoot.

But, he also shared a couple other tips you may not be taking advantage of . . .


I use the Windfinder app  to identify times of the day that significant changes in wind direction or intensity will occur.”

Mike also uses Weather Underground  to look at the barometric pressure forecasts and shared this screenshot with our Insider Pro members.

I like to look for a falling barometer and when it looks like it’s gonna bottom out right before it starts rising

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, if you’re an Insider Pro member you can find all the juicy deets in the session recording in the member portal.

Musky Attack?

According to a CBC News article a boy needed stitches after apparently being attacked by “something” in a man-made lake in Montreal. Could it have been a 'skie?

They reached out to Legendary Montreal area guide (and upcoming Musky Insider PRO instructor) Mike Lazarus and he thinks it’s possible.

Photo credit: George Mandl/CBC News

There's no such thing as a muskie with a bite radius like that," he said. "However, it could have grabbed ahold of him and thrashed and got him at all different angles."

Sounds like while the lake is man-made, muskies got in there from the Larry during high water and Laz used to catch 'em there back in the day before it was closed for fishing. 

 You can find the full CBC News article on the incident here.

This Week's Mashup:

Mashup time!

#1 – This one hits a little too close to home. How many of you are guilty of a lot of baits that never see the light of day? 😂😂😂  #guilty

 #2 – Check out this cool chainsaw carved 43” Musky by Wood-n-Creations out of Jackson, MI. One of these would look pretty sweet on the front doorstep! 

#3 – Rob Bengino drew his "Musky Snob" print that portrays the fussy musky better than we sometimes wish.

#4 – Looks like our friends at Taps and Tackle are now carrying the Piscifun reels. We haven’t had a chance to test these reels ourselves yet but one thing is for sure . . . you can’t beat the price!


–The Muskellunge featured on Jeopardy game show (link)

–New owner of Suick has familiar last name (link)

–Eagle Lake Musky Opener w /Angling Anarchy (Video)

–Win free stuff from Ezoko  (link)

–Glenn McDonald of 54 or Bust on Road Rules Podcast (Video)

–Tackle Talk with Taylor Flannery and Fischer Smith (Video)

Taps & TackleMuskies Inc


"When your wife says she wants to go musky fishing for her birthday, you take her and make it happen!" That's what Luke Swanson of Livin' the Dream Guide Service said about taking his wife Jazzlyn out to celebrate by lettin' a few of these hit the gift bag.

Davin Wagner sealed the deal on this 54” beast (and new PB) on the sixth trip around the park in the figure eight.

Josh Kragthorpe tagged this old warhorse on a recent outing with his son Mason.

Camden Droppo caught this 52.5 tank-o-sauras on a Red October tube, making it a new personal best.

Wanna be featured in Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙

https://www.muskymetrics.com/Muskies Canada

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