A few GIANTS caught – Fall Musky Hotspot – Amazing Sonar Screenshot
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Fall Turnover Tips
Depending on where you're reading this from, your favorite musky fishin' lake is probably either post-turnover or right in the middle of it....
Turnover happens when the water above the thermocline becomes denser than the water below the thermocline (colder water = denser water), circulating the entire water column with oxygen.
It kinda looks like this:
Turnover usually happens when water temps creep into the lower 50's....
Here's a few tips from Musky Insider co-owner Josh Borovsky that will help you catch more fish during this awkward transition time:
"First of all, keep in mind the entire lake and it's individual basins may not turn over at the same time, especially if we have a gradual cool down. The deeper basins may hold on longer with a good pre-turnover bite while the shallower basins are flipping.
"If we get a big cold blast with plummeting water temps, then everything may turnover at once. But the shallower basins will generally recover more quickly.
"On multi-basin lakes, I believe the turnover process triggers mass movements and migrations of fish of all species. This movement and scattering of fish is what can make the fishing somewhat challenging.
"However, an effective strategy for dealing with the movement of muskies and their forage is to fish the bottlenecks and/or channels between the basins, along with any pinch points within them."
"Any fish moving from one basin to another needs to travel through these constricted areas to get where they're going. Focusing on these areas during and just after turnover has led to some outstanding days in my boat when many others have struggled.
"I've had success throwing a wide variety of baits this time of year. A few of my favorites include:
- Swimbaits – the Shallow Swimmin' Dawg has been great this year
- Red Octobers Tubes – both the 10-inch model and the 12-inch model
- Gliders – the 14" Hellhound and the 6" Phantom Softtail
- Dive & Rise – Barfighters and Dyin' Dawgs are my top picks
- Bucktails – Lots of stuff works. Big #10-13 blades slow & small blades fast
- XL Beaver – The Baby Beaver is definitely a mainstay this time of year
- Rubber – Too many good options to fit in this newsletter
- Livebait – Obviously the live stuff is always in-play during the fall months
Hopefully that helps you narrow things down and hook a few more muskies this fall! 👍
If you want a full-blown masterclass on catchin' muskies from turnover, all the way until ice-up, you need to check out our Late Fall Musky class with Josh Borovsky and Steve Herbeck.
You get an incredible amount of information for less than 10% the cost of a guide trip.... #value
Weight Loss Challunge
Apparently 92% of folks who make New Years resolutions can't keep 'em for the entire year.... #PretendsToBeShocked
Well, this Ottawa River musky (caught TWICE by Chevy Champagne) made some serious progress on her weight loss goals this year.
Here's the before:
And here's the after roughly one year later:
She still has a bit of a belly bump, but at least she's trying! 😂
Btw, these two catches happened one year and eight days apart, and she was setup on the same spot just 50 feet down the weed line....
I guess old dogs fall for old tricks!
Crazy Down Imaging Shot
Side Imaging and live-viewing sonar get ALLL the attention these days, but don't forget about the good old fashion straight-under-the-boat view!
How sweet is this DI screenshot from Sean Wit's Humminbird Solix unit???
Not a musky, but one of those musky-sized pike from across the pond....
Super cool seeing her setup behind that rock, ready to ambush some prey swimmin' through the area.
If you have any crazy screenshots, reply to this email send 'em our way and you might get featured in a future newsletter 👍
This Week's Mashup:
Mashup time!
#1 – Check out the big humped back on this long-bodied 'skie from Jeff Wagner.
Whether it's a broken back, scoliosis or something totally different, it's great to see she's lookin' mostly healthy despite being shaped like a protractor....
#2 – Not sure where this photo's from or if it's even real, but we had to share....
#3 – These pumpkinseed flavored glide baits from Madtown Lures are 1000% droolworthy. 🤤
#4 – I have a spot on my wall where this hand carved & painted musky would look great! Props to the artists: Percy Boom and Grenville Barnes 🔥
– RIP musky advocate and angling mentor Jeff Young (link)
– Interactive musky stocking map for Wisconsin lakes (link)
– Musky Mayhem havin’ a sale on their website this weekend (link)
– Fall sucker fishin’ w/ Todays Angler (video)
– Anti-Ice precautions for your reels w/ Doug Wegner (video)
– Ryan Marjama’s go-to fall baits (video)
– Even more Eagle Lake musky action w/ Angling Anarchy (video)
Congrats to Ethan Hennessey on castin' up this whale of musky with a Shallow Invader on the straight retrieve! She measured out at 53.5 x 27" – also props to his guide Ryan with Matt's Fishing for putting him on the hotspot!
Gotta hand it to MN guide Ryan McMahon on crackin' this giant 55.75 incher fishin' suckers rigged on the Stealth GT Rig! 🔥 #RobbingTheNursingHome
It doesn't get much better than this! Great shot from Jesse King in Ontario.
Super impressive catch from Scott fly slingin' in Pennsylvania – gorgeous fish!
Wanna be featured in Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙
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Send all business inquiries to josh@muskyinsider.com