Big fall bruisers – Trollin' Tips – GIF action

Big fall bruisers – Trollin' Tips – GIF action

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Taps & Tackle

Tis the Season eat turkey and complain about the snow/ice!

Hopefully you're wrapping up a successful Thanksgiving holiday with family/loved ones. This is the season of thankfulness, but it's also the season of eating way more than you should.


The whacky thing about this weekend is one day, you're givin' thanks, the next you're packing into stores to buy heavily discounted shhhtuff you don't even need...

The best is when you see one of your fishin' buddies bragging on social media about waking up early to stand in line for some Black Friday deals – yet a couple months earlier, he couldn't meet you at the ramp before sun-up for the first light bite. 🤷‍♂️

Disappointed meme

Seems like most folks are doing their deal hunting online nowadays. That said, here's a few of the best one's we could dig up this year:

  • 20% off all Simms gear at Taps & Tackle (link)
  • 20% off Musky Innovations customs & clothes (link)
  • Big discounts on Chaos Tackle Assault Sticks (link)
  • Thorne Bros 10-30% (link)
  • Musky Mayhem 20% (link)
  • MuskyFrenzy 15% (link)
  • Beaver's Baits 15% (link)
  • Lakewood 20% (link)

Obviously these are time-sensitive, so jump on 'em if you're interested.

Have you ever tried....

...keel weighted trolling leaders?

They're a staple for guys trollin' in and around weeds.

Here's a quick illustration:

Keel Weight Leader

Pretty simple, right?

That's the Stealth KP Keel Weighted Trolling Leader designed by Green Bay musky guide Kevin Pischke.

This kind of setup presents a few advantages:

1. Catching Weeds The weight itself will catch weeds before they get back to the bait. Less time cleaning baits = more time in the strike zone!

2. On the Turn Everything should be A-okay when you're trolling in a straight line, but things can get a bit wonky when you're making turns. The "outside" baits will speed up and sometime blow out of the water as a result. The 'inside" baits will slow down, floating up and out of the strike zone. Keel weights can help keep your baits positioned in both cases.

3. Bump & Go How many times has your bait been CRUSHED after bumpin' a piece of cover? Well, you can simulate a similar effect knocking a keel weight off a rock or a patch of weeds. Your bait stops dead in it's tracks for a split-second, then rips ahead, triggering a vicious strike!

Kevin breaks down these three categories in this video – check it out: 

Trolling Video

Here's the skinny on when Kevin uses 1 oz vs. 2 oz vs. 3 oz weights:

"1 oz are my go to for 5’-10’ FOW with 5”-7” shallow running minnow style baits at 2.7-3.3 mph.

"2 oz for 5’-13’ FOW with 5”-9” deep diving shad-style baits at 2.5-3.2mph and 7”-10” minnow style baits 2.7-3.5 mph.

"3 oz for 10’-15’ FOW for both 10"+ shallow minnow and deep shad baits 2.5-3.5 mph.

"Using a 2 oz keel weight is a must fishing Green Bay in September when the sand grass is floating up off the bottom. It will grab a mess of weeds keeping baits cleaner and running true in the water longer."

Here's Kevin's four go-to setups for Green Bay in fall:

Some Fancy GIF Action

Here's a few musky-related action GIFs we think you'll enjoy:

Let's kick things off with this super sweet underwater trollin' strike from Master Crow Outdoors #THWAP

Trolling Bite

How 'bout this acrobatic boatside display from Slime & Slay Outdoors:

Boatside Jumper

Sometimes a backlash can be your best friend.... Cole Lauzon's lazer cranberry colored Double Cowgirl only got half-a-cast from the boat, putting it in perfect position to attract this plus-sized natural tiger:

Musky Strike

Here's a closer look at Cole's 47.25 inch beauty in the GIF above:

Natural Tiger Musky

Those patterns/colors = amazing 😍

This Week's Mashup:

Mashup time!

#1 – Diggin' this mean lookin' rubber eater from Josh DeSmit #MuskyArt

Muskie Artwork

#2 – Cool double SI musky sighting sent in by Shawn Waidelich:

Side Imaging

#3 – Check out these old school magazine covers shared by Jeremy Liebig on the MFT&T page:

Musky Magazines

#4 – Sorry, had to share.... 😂

Musky Meme


– Black Friday Deal: 20% off all Simms Gear at T&T (link)

– November musky challenge w/ Todays Angler (video)

– Late fall musky fishing w/ Pete Maina (video)

– Shallow water fall musky fishing w/ AA (video)

– Fall musky fishing w/ Smiths Fishing (video)

– Mercury announces new V10 Verados (video)

– Jason Oakes is new GM of Crestliner (link)

Musky Innovations BannerStealth


Lovin' the porky belly and big ole shovel head on this giant 'skie from John Riegel:

Big Muskie

Absolutely ridiculous 55.75 inch north-of-the-border BEAST from Dominic Papineau:

Giant Fish

Check out this 50+ inch late fall LOTW brute from Erik Jacobson:

Lake of the Woods Muskies

Wanna be featured in Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙 IncMuskies Canada

Want to see more from Musky Insider? Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for bonus content throughout the week!

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