Heat Wave Musky Location – 54'' Opener 'skies – ''Musky Graveyard'' Idea
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HeatWave 🔥
It's gonna be TOASTY this next week – check out the forecast for the MN Metro:
Obviously, this heatwave is going to dramatically impact the bite over the next couple weeks. Specifically for MN anglers, they've got the opener coming up in a couple days and the Metro Muskie Tourney the weekend after (June 12)....
We reached out to Paul Hartman, who runs the MMT, to get his two cents on how he thinks the weather will impact the bite:
"When you get a big heatwave that jumps water temperatures 5-8 degrees in a short period of time, the musky bite can get pretty tough. That said, the musky action can really heat up once temperatures stop rising and begin to stabilize for 3 to 4 days.
"In past tournaments, we've had poorer results when the June warm-up hit just a few days before the event. On the other hand, when the warm-up was a week or so before the tournament (like it is this year), the bite is typically much better.... assuming there are somewhat favorable conditions the day of the event.
"I wouldn’t be surprised if the first few days of the MN season are a bit slower, but once we start to approach the next weekend, I would anticipate some good musky fishing."
(BTW, you can sign up for the tourney on their website or in-person at Thorne Bros when you're stoppin' in to grab baits)
Talkin' to several guides across the state, most think they'll start their musky season fishin open water right outta the gate.
Usually the muskies stick around the shallows for a little bit after the spawn, but with warm water temps across the state, they will be vacating those areas in a hurry this year and moving out into open water.
Most anglers are intimidated by the basin bite, which is why we put together a class on the topic "Cutting Edge Open Water Tactics" with Luke Ronnestrand and Josh Borovsky.
It's jam-packed with everything you need to know to catch 'em out in the basin this spring. They did a great job simplifying the process and laying out a simple approach for success. 👍
You can buy the recording and watch it at your leisure – it's 100% going to help you catch more muskies these first few weeks of the season.
Home Decor.... Musky Style
I totally need one of these in my house – what a great idea:
Here's the description from Randal Bogathy:
"My birthday present from April finally complete, a place to hang the lures that have been destroyed by Muskies. Wood burned by my daughter Madeline."
This thing's great for a couple reasons:
1. You probably already had those "fallen soldiers" hangin' somewhere in your garage – this is an excellent excuse to move them into the house! 😂
2. It's the perfect conversation starter, and it gives you more opportunities to talk about your personal musky catchin' accolades.
Okay.... I just talked myself into making one tonight. 😉
MHTV on YouTube
Need another 5+ hours of musky fishin' content in your life?
Jim Saric just dropped the 2021 season of Musky Hunter TV on YouTube 👍
One episode in particular is really sticking out to us right now....
The "Musky Log" on the Heat Wave episode is lookin' pretty dang similar to what this weekend is going to look like across much of the Musky Belt:
Don't forget your sunscreen and extra deodorant this weekend! 😂
Musky Meme-ery
Finally, let's enjoy some musky fishin' memes before we check out for the weekend!
With #TopwaterSZN just around the corner, this meme seems appropriate:
Here's one you can bond over with your buddies who chase "lesser" fish. 😂
This wouldn't be the craziest thing we've seen someone do to retrieve a lost bait....
Not great....
– MN musky season opens up this weekend (link)
– Indiana musky fishing w/ Todays Angler (video)
– Burnin’ Eights latest musky highlights (video)
– WI opener and rod selection tips w/ Road Rules Podcast (link)
– Indiana musky action w/ Musky Kombat (video)
– Michigan DNR asking anglers to report their musky catches (link)
– Random: Red Piranha found in Louisiana lake (link)
HUGE congrats to Sam Schimmers on boating this massive 54 x 25" Green Bay monster trollin' an orange & chartreuse Super Shad after hours.
Feast your eyes on this 50.25 inch Wisconsin River giant from Tyler Niemczyk this past weekend 💪
Props to Brian Reinke on poppin' this 54.5 incher four feet from the boat on a Tru-Topper prop bait (which looks like it's a new bait made over in WI).
Let's wrap this newsletter up with a nice 'skie off the dock via Tyler Trampe. I'm lovin' his caption on the photo:
"This is what happens when your 3 year old says she wants to go fish off the dock 'real quick' for her birthday!"
Wanna be featured on Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙
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