Ice Fishing w/ Musky Baits – Glow-in-the-Dark Bait – Musky Memery
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Musky Baits on Hardwater
What do musky junkies (folks who are straight-up addicted to musky fishing) do during the hardwater months?
I guess there's a few options....
You could sit on the couch and wait for spring (tempting). You could work overtime to support your expensive hobby (probably smart 😂). Or you could drill holes in the ice and try to stretch a line (not as cool as musky fishing, but it's something...)
Doug Wegner does a lot of lake trout chasin' this time of year, which is actually somewhat cool.... as far as ice fishing goes. haha
But what's EVEN COOLER is catching them on musky baits.... and Doug accomplished the feat in his latest video:
The best part about lakers is they drill your bait a like freight train – kinda like an extra-fired up musky that crushes your lure on the first turn of the figure 8.
Here's a sweet MEGA Live clip of the lake trout (from the pic above) crushing Dougie's 8" Swimmin' Dawg on the fall:
So cool!
Most folks use smaller tubes, flukes and spoons for lakers – basically walleye-sized lures. But a couple lakers were more than willing to hit Doug's 8 inch swimbait for the same reason that 'skies like eating swimbaits out in the basin....
....it has an attractive action and it emulates the forage they are feeding on.
Sorry for the ice fishing content, but we thought this had an interesting connection with the musky world 🤷♂️
Mayhem's 10,000 Casts
Looks like we'll have even more juicy musky content to consume this year! 🤤
If you've been following Musky Mayhem's pro-staff profiles, you know that Brad Hoppe (owner of MM) has captured a TON of excellent action footage.... and it looks like we'll get to see a lot more of it going forward.
Here's a little taste from his "teaser" video:
You've got the classic airborne head-shake....
It's crazy that fish didn't come un-pinned with that big bait flying all over the place.
We also love clips that feature big, angry muskies thrashing in the net....
It's a lot less stressful when the go crazy once they are safely in the bag. 😂
Looking forward to more content, Brad!
Musky Memes!
Here's a few musky-related memes for your entertainment purposes! 👍
I think most of us would rather draw 100 cards in this situation:
It's funny because most of us would be pretty dang upset if our significant other bought a $300+ purse when she "already has a bunch of purses", when in reality it's kinda the same deal for most musky anglers with rods/reels/lures. 😂
Also, probably don't show your wife this email.... #shhhh
On that same topic, why do we always want the musky lures we don't have???
Lure collecting is an expensive hobby....
Also, why is it so much more painful spending $50 at a restaurant vs. spending $50ish on a musky lure that looks like a small Beaver??
The funny part about this final meme is that most of our readers would be much happier with the 36-inch musky vs. a big 40-inch pike. 🤷♂️
This Week's Mashup:
Mashup time!
#1 – Really cool underwater shot of an extra-clean Wisconsin fish from Gavin DeBoer – hopefully see ya this spring, eh??
#2 – How sweet are these glow-in-the-dark "dragon tails" from Maciej Dukacz who makes baits across the pond??
#3 – Diggin' this action shot from MN guide Phil Bauerly on Leech Lake 🔥
#4 – Pretty wild series of events for Jerry Burke on Georgian Bay, landing a musky after it woofed the 20-inch northern pike he was fighting....
– Sen. Ingebrigtsen retiring…. good news for MN musky stocking (link)
– Milwaukee Muskie Expo happening Feb. 11-13 (link)
– Pro-staff profile for Todd & Hilary Schulz (video)
– Northern WI musky chasin’ w/ Keyes Outdoors (video)
– Fall LSC musky fishing w/ Angling Anarchy (video)
– Ugly Pike Podcast end-of-year episode (link)
– Update on musky tracking study on Shabbona Lake (link)
Ernie Dykins Jr. caught this absolute BLIMP of a musky on a TNA Angry Dragon. We don't have any dimensions on this fish, but we don't need no stinkin' dimensions to be impressed by this monster!
Josh Rabska was rippin' a Baby Beaver (Lake Edition) with a blade attachment when this plus-sized beauty queen came in for snacktime!
Props to Mat Haas on poppin' this late, late season pork-nanny this past fall. The pic doesn't do it justice, but this fish was THICK!
Congrats to Jaime Zapatero on boating this solid low-light Esox masquinongy 😉
Wanna be featured in Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙
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