New IGFA Record – Double w/ 57 incher – 91yo Catches Musky
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New IGFA Record
Looks like the IGFA all tackle, catch-and-release musky record has officially been cracked! Here's a look at the plus-sized beast of a 'skie that broke the record:
She was caught by Derek Balmas, trolling last November on the St. Lawrence River (no surprise there!). Here's a few deets on the size of the fish – IGFA does it a little differently:
"The fish measured 135 centimeters (IGFA standard measurement), or 53.15 inches, measured from its nose to the inside fork of its tail according to IGFA rules, which differ from common tail-to-tip measurements that would add a few more inches to the total length. The girth on it was 29 inches, Balmas said."
53 inches doesn't sound exceptionally big, but measuring from the inside fork makes a fairly big difference vs. the tip of the tail.
Is this the biggest musky EVER caught? No. But it's IGFA's new C&R record.
Ultimately, we don't have a great way of answering the age old question:
"What is the biggest musky ever caught??"
There are many different records that have various ways of quantifying size. Some records are for-sure legit, others are "sketchier". And of course, there are several anglers who catch mega-giants and don't care to publicize them or put the fish through the extra stress associated to measuring and whatnot. There isn't a perfect, straight-forward musky record to point to.
Regardless, this is an awesome fish. Huge congrats to Derek!
Double Trouble
You know you caught a BIGGUN when it makes your buddy's mid-40 incher look like a pipsqueak 👀
Huge props to Jimmy Lacerte on hooking the seriously impressive 57 incher that dwarfs his buddy Samuel M0ngeau's pretty nice musky. 😂
Here's a closer look at the old lady:
Btw, Jimmy has been on 'em this season, putting a buncha super-nice east Canadian bruisers in the net already:
And how cool is this release shot???
Keep hammering, Jimmy!
Summer 'skie Tips
Lookin' to put a few more muskies in the boat this summer??
Here's a few excerpts from a Jim Saric writeup on summer 'skie hunting. You can click here to read the full article.
Let's jump right in....
Downsize to 9’s
"Over the last five or six years, I have definitely seen a trend that when the muskies are located around shallow cover that downsizing to a size 9 blade is usually all it takes to start getting musky action. It’s interesting that downsizing to size 8 blades hasn’t seemed to have the positive response that the 9 blades have produced."
Extend the Spot
"If I am approaching a spot where I have seen or caught muskies, I make a point of trying to extend the spot. Rather than pulling up right to the sweet-spot, extend the spot by starting 100 yards from your cluster of waypoints. If the spot is frequently fished by others, more than likely the area you found that extends the spot will not get fished."
Adjacent Spots
"Last summer one early evening, we found muskies relating to points that were relatively sharp breaking and not a “traditional” summer spot. After catching one musky from such a spot, we visually looked around and drove to four adjacent points that looked similar both visually and on the map chip. Amazingly, all of the other four points held muskies that evening, and it was a great end to the day."
"The more traditional approach to searching for adjacent spots is to look for a nearby reef or point if you find a bay holding muskies. Likewise, if muskies are using a particular point, look for an adjacent bay to hold muskies, particularly if the muskies seemed to have disappeared from the point."
Some great pointers from Jim 👍
This Week's Mashup:
Mashup time!
#1 – Really enjoyed reading this writeup about 91 year old Bertha Lunzer FINALLY catching her first-ever musky this spring with MN guide Luke Swanson.
And the picture is worth a thousand words:
#2 – Anyone else a little behind on yard work this summer?? 😂
#3 – Some days it feels like the muskies are about THIS active 👇
Great shot from photographer Michael Kinney 🔥
#4 – Gotta hand it to the Rapala crew for some sa-weet underwater footage of their X-Rap Otus pike/musky bait:
– 4 musky day w/ Todays Angler (video)
– Mark Lijewski interview w/ Musky Road Rules (link)
– WI river musky report w/ Taps & Tackle (video)
– Deepwater Clear Shield Lake Glide Baiting w/ 54 or bust (video)
– Musky tube modifications w/ Rob Manthei (video)
Lovin' the slate gray colors on this 56.5 inch spinnerbait-eater from Rich Wren 💪
Christian Biedenharn might be dressed like he's ready to "hit the links", but the only thing getting hit this day was the net! Awesome pot-bellied 'skie, dude 🔥
Props to Brian Collins on hooking this beauty in super shallow clearwater conditions – great fish! 👍
Wanna be featured in Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙
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