NEW Musky Classes – River Fishing Tips – Musky Memery
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New Classes Coming!
We had a bunch of guys and gals buy classes from us last year, so we've decided to roll out a few more this spring.
Here's are the deets:
#1 – Advanced Electronics Strategies & Boat Control (sign up)
April 21st, 7:00pm CST – Matt Seifert and Josh Borovsky will cover how they use all the different tech available to maximize their musky catches in a wide variety of conditions and situations.
Neither have sponsorship obligations to any of the three major electronics manufacturers, so you will receive honest opinions and insights regarding the strengths and weaknesses of each brand.
[Click here for more info on the Electronics/Boat Control class]
#2 – Catch MORE Muskies on New Waters (sign up)
April 28th, 7:00pm CST – While some of our past classes have focused on researching and discovering new musky fisheries, this class will focus on what to do once you have selected your new body of water and are planning your first trip.
Josh will cover pre-trip planning for success, but the primary focus of the class will be on what to do once you arrive on a new water. He will break down the best approaches to take based on your goals and amount of time you have to work with.
Not only is this information invaluable when you're exploring new waters, but it can also give you a playbook for finding more fish on your favorite musky lake.
[Click here for more info on the Fishing New Water class]
#3 – Topwater - Tactics, Timing, Tuning & Mods (sign up)
May 4th, 7:00pm CST – Ty Sennett will be going in-depth on everything topwater fishing, including tactics for seasonal progressions, changing conditions, and triggering fish that follow your topwaters. He will also cover how to tune and modify a wide variety of topwater baits for optimal performance.
This is an opportunity to learn from one of the absolute best topwater fishermen on the planet.
[Click here for more info on the Topwater class]
These virtual classes are LIVE and interactive, so class size will be limited to ensure the best experience for all attendees.
Some Musky Memery
Muskies.... because everything else is just bait! LOL
The funny part about this next meme is the dude might be crazy (wealthy?), but he's also fairly dialed with his tech utilization....
Most would consider Livescope to be the go-to live tech, Humminbird's 360 and SI best in their categories, and Lowrance with the best 2D sonar and waypoint management system.
Btw, are any of you using Hydrowave for musky fishin'?
Thinking about trying this surprise.... guessing my wife would be thrilled!
Not sure if you've heard, but gas prices have increased the last few months.... 😂
River Musky Tips
Thorne Bros had some of solid seminars this weekend for their big Spring Sale – lots of good info and you can find 'em all on their FB page.
Guessing we'll highlight more tips here on the newsletter, but let's start with some interesting shhhtuff from Chris Willen's chat on river fishin' muskies:
Temperature and time-of-year were two KEY points Chris hammered home....
"Temperature is going to dictate where the fish are, how they behave, and at times, it can dictate when your bite window is."
That's the general thesis of his entire discussion, but there were some interesting nuggets mixed in that we'll highlight here:
Early in the seminar (7:42), he talked about his best bite windows down south:
"When I fish down south in Tennessee, 1:00pm to 3:00pm was my best window to catch fish during the winter. I spent seven winters guiding down there and I take meticulous notes."
Some fish movement thoughts and theories (16:37):
"Up here in the north when the water starts getting cold, most folks would think the muskies are going to start holing up (heading to the deep holes). That’s not always the case. These fish climb up extremely shallow, they’ll be sitting in water that barely covers their back.
"Whether they just ate a sucker and they are using the heat to help aid their digestion – that happens a lot. Another thing that happens is the muskies will move up to get to a certain temperature, THEN they will feed…. That is mind blowing."
Chris learned this from Larry Dahlberg who tested body temps of pike in cold water and determined the fish that were willing to bite were the same temp as the water, and the fish that wouldn't bite had an internal temp that was lower than the water.
We'd love to hear more about that project!
Btw, check out this ridiculously chunky coldwater river 'skie Chris and Larry caught fishin' together:
Let's switch gears to down-south 'skies again (23:19):
"In the southern part of the world in the wintertime, if you're not fishing the holes, you are not fishing – you are wasting your time everywhere else, because every fish in those systems are in the deep water.
"The reason is bait – that's where all the suckers are, the chubs, the dace, smallmouth, muskies, whatever.... It works the same way in KY, WV, VA, NC, TN, whether you're in a small creek or a big river like the New River."
Too much stuff to cover, so make sure to check out the full chat with Chris Willen for more river fishing & fly fishing info.
This Week's Mashup:
Mashup time!
#1 – Anyone else ready for winter to kick the bucket???
Seems like Old Man Winter always tries to dabble in April, but this year, he's going a little overboard.... at least we're seeing a few positive developments here and there (between snowstorms 😂).
This shot was via Agency Bay Lodge (Leech Lake) earlier this week:
It ain't much, but it's a start!
#2 – Diggin' this underwater snap from @fish_n_fam_ 💪
#3 – Cool musky ink from Charlie Forbes with a hungry-lookin' barred beauty:
#4 – Some dudes have a favorite bait, but nothing says commitment like getting your favorite glider tattooed on your tricep. Nice ink @Musky_Labs! 👍
– More info on Adopt-a-Musky program on Mad Chain, WI (link)
– Late fall musky fishing w/ Todays Angler (video)
– Summer to spring musky fishing tactics w/ 54 or Bust (video)
– Fish the hang w/ Gord Pyzer (link)
– “The Mystery of Moon Rise” w/ Joe Bucher (video)
– Nice fall musky catch w/ John Anderson (video)
Tis the season for big spot-a-sauruses to hit the bag while walleye dudes are chasin' some early season fillets... 😉
Check out this chunky spring incidental from Grant Robosson in Wisconsin:
This heavy West Virginia 'skie smashed Nathan Mullins' glide bait right by the side of the boat – stellar fish dude!
Congrats to @coopers_casts on poppin' his first musky this spring. This river runner definitely wasn't missing any meals!
Wanna be featured in Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙
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Send all business inquiries to josh@muskyinsider.com