Stuff Only Musky Anglers Understand – Dahlberg Tips – Sweet Baits
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Tell us you're a musky angler
....without telling us you're a musky angler!
In other words, what's something you could say that ONLY musky anglers would understand?
Kind of fun to think about, given how incredibly unique musky fishing is....
@muskyfool asked the question on his IG page, which lead to some A+ replies:
"Fished dawn to dusk, caught nothing but had two follows. It was a good day!"
– @caster170
"I’ve never dreamed about something so much that I’ve never even touched..." – @kaptainkyle11
"Haven’t seen a fish in a week, so they’re probably gonna snap tomorrow, wanna go out at midnight to catch moonset?" – @rowan_stamm
"Just learning a new stretch of river, not really worryin' about catchin anything today" – @jiggedupunlimited
You know your a musky-head when you hit the water not planning on catching anything!
Definitely can't imagine a bass/walleye dude saying any of those things.... 😂
"Muskies Ink"
You know you're passionate about fishing when you get your favorite species permanently "painted" on your body.
Saw a post on the Muskie Tips & Tricks FB group askin' folks to show off their ink. Here's a few of our favorites:
John Imm might be 1,700+ miles away, but you know his hearts on the Chippewa Flowage!
This ticked-off musky from Russell Hendrix looks like something straight out of a horror movie – great ink, dude!
Betcha can't guess Peter Schleis's favorite bucktail....
I'll give ya a hint – it rhymes with fluker snail:
Last up, we're REALLY diggin' this big, green wild-eyed 'skie on Paul Charbonneau's arm:
If you have some musky ink, send us a pic and we might share in a future email 👍
Dahlberg Tips
Recently spotted this sweet photo with Blane Chocklett and Larry 'the Legend' Dahlberg on the gram:
....which reminded us of the writeup Larry did for us last winter.
Still some great info, so thought we'd pull it back to the top of the heap....
Here's how Larry ups his odds of getting bit once he's located a big 'skie:
1. Think before you fire!
“Avoiding detection is critical. When you’re casting at a fish, try to stay as far away from your target as possible. Making a long distance bomb cast provides the fish with plenty of real estate to follow and commit before reaching the boat, giving you more time to unleash your bag of fish triggering tricks.
”That said, if you can get close enough, or elevated enough, to see the most subtle cues from a stationary fish without spooking it, your odds of catching it goes up. Subtle cues include dorsal and/or pectoral fin movement, gill movement, ect. The trick is to make the musky think the lure is reacting to the presence of the musky, often without removing the offering from the muskies zone of awareness."
2. Pave new roads
“If you want to up your odds of catching a musky, try showing them something they haven’t seen before. This might be a challenge on intelligently pressured waters where anglers have tried just about everything, but it’s well worth the effort.”
As most of you know, Larry is no stranger to the road less traveled when it comes to making and experimenting with unique musky baits.
Here's a little sneak peak into his laboratory this week:
Looks like he's cookin' up some musky-size umbrella rigs 👀
This Week's Mashup
Few things that caught our eye this week:
#1 – Not a musky, but this big pike snap from @team_peresox_flucius over in Sweden is truly incredible:
#2 – This isn't a bad time to pick up a new late fall musky fishin' suit. Ice fishin' stuff is starting to hit the discount racks, and it looks like Thorne Bros has the new Ice Armor Float Suits on sale – pretty big price slash, too:
#3 – How slick is the artwork on this musky fly carrying case from @thehatchoutfitters??
#4 – Here's some serious eye candy.... check out this amazing Pennsylvania musky shot from outdoor photographer John Fallon:
– Official: New ownership at Thorne Bros (video)
– Keyes Outdoors PMTT Eagle River & Spirit Lake show (video)
– Big fall musky on a Pounder (video)
– PFAS found in Madison, WI lakes (link)
– Incredible ice pike grab, from a musky guy of course! (video)
Props to @dandy_baits on doublin' up earlier this year with a pair of 50+ Canadian tankers:
Anybody else miss open water? Stephen Boulden caught this #throwback monster out on Green Bay.... The best you can do on the Bay right now is filling the bucket with a limit of whitefish. 😂
Big congrats to Pat Burke on this 50.5 inch plus-sized Pittsburgh river monster 💪
Jack Duff popped this 52 inch bruiser in his first year chasing 'skies. Not a bad way to kick-off your musky fishin' career....
Wanna be featured on Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙
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