Sweet Metro Musky Content – Dreaming About 'skies – Big Fall Muskies
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Cool Visuals + Nice 'skie
Gotta give Ben Stone some props on kickin' out some stellar visuals in this fall musky fishin' video in the Metro:
A few of the highlights include some A+ underwater shots:
No strikes, but still some really high quality footage. 👀
And better yet, he ends the video with an impressive Metro musky:
Check the full video out on YouTube if you need a quick break from the family activities this weekend. 😂
Musky Memery
Okay, let's do the musky meme thing!
First, we've got some family photo humor 👇
Musky anglers see these E's a little differently.... I'm not expecting to catch a fish, but I'm excited at the opportunity to land a giant, and I'm fully engaged in my hunt for the elusive Esox masquinongy.
Okay, that was lame, but I had to try 😂
Next.... Not gonna lie, we could probably change the world if we channeled all of our passions for musky fishing into something productive.... 😅
There's nothing worse than taking the dreaded walk of shame into your favorite musky retailer.... receipt in hand:
For all of you lucky enough to get a Christmas (musky) bonus this year:
Pressured Musky Tips
Pretty cool Q&A video with a couple excellent musky sticks, James Lindner & Jeremy Smith, talkin' pressured muskies:
They covered a wide variety of topics/species throughout the video – look for the musky stuff right around 1:28.
Definitely worth a watch, but here's the quick TLDR;
- Inline spinners are always good for covering water and finding fish
- Jump baits are great "tattle tail" baits, forcing fish to show themselves
- Topwaters are actually finesse musky baits?
- Burning swimbaits is an underrated tactic
- And my favorite quote from James at the end:
"Fishing baits in ways that the fish haven't seen them move before."
It's stupid simple, but so true...and musky fishin' doesn't need to be rocket science!
This Week's Mashup:
Mashup time!
#1 – Super sweet shore fishin' release shot from Shawna Kahl:
#2 – Tough break for Master Crow Outdoors while trollin' muskies near a bridge piling 😬 Glad to see he retrieved the setup fairly easily....
#3 – Eric Risland sent in this awesome musky sketch from his 16yo step-daughter Rowan. Amazing artwork! 👍
#4 – Not musky related, but I never thought we'd see the day when Beaver Dam came out with a Wonder Bread colored tip-up. Which begs the question, do you own any Wonder Bread colored musky baits and have you caught fish on 'em?
– Muskie Odyssey happenin’ March 25th (link)
– Tough condition musky chasin’ w/ Todays Angler (video)
– Llungen won't be at the shows, but you can grab their show colors here (link)
– Musky Hunter TV trailer, season 17 (video)
– 2022 musky gear w/ 54 or bust (video)
– Nice WI musky cast-to-catch (video)
Wanna talk about some wild first muskies??? How about this absolute UNIT for Ryan fishin' with Ben Knutson 🔥 Sure as heck beats bass/walleye fishing!
Awesome shot sent in by Allen McMillen! That 52.5 inch rubber-eater is built like a linebacker 💪
Great caption on this sweet tiger headshot from Brent Bellefleur:
"The last thing a helpless shad feels are these teeth. Fish eat fish world. Live today, die tomorrow."
Wanna be featured in Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙
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