Tips for Success – Musky Memery – Iowa Muskies GIF-Style
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Ciscos = Bigger Muskies (kinda)
It's common knowledge that the presence of ciscos in a fishery = bigger muskies.
It certainly passes the "sniff test" and it would seem that biologists agree. One of the key factors the Minnesota DNR considers when stocking muskies is potential food sources, and ciscos are a BIG part of their equation. #science
We stumbled on a somewhat recent study from northern Wisco lookin' at the impact of cisco on musky size. The results were kinda what you'd expect....with a couple wrinkles. Here's a quick quote:
"Cisco presence had a positive influence on size structure and mean length of individual muskellunge within populations. In contrast, cisco presence had no influence on the mean maximum length of muskellunge."
In other words, lakes with cisco have muskies that are bigger on average, but it's not a guarantee that they have the absolute longest muskies. So, 'skies don't need ciscos to get long, but guessing it probably doesn't hurt....🤷♂️
Another good tidbit from the study:
"In cisco lakes, mean muskellunge length was negatively correlated with mean cisco length suggesting that gape limitation may be a factor influencing population size structure and individual growth rates. Therefore, cisco populations with primarily large individuals may be unavailable to muskellunge as forage."
So, big ciscos might actually be too big for muskies to eat with regularity.
Keep in mind: Every system is different (forage mix, habitat, strains, etc.), so what's true in northern Wisconsin might not be true in Minnesota, Michigan, Kentucky, Pennsylvania etc.
Regardless, it's some super interesting info!
Meme Dump!
Here's a few musky-themed memes we think you'll enjoy....
Can anyone relate to this one?? 😂
Still a better investment that Bitcoin 😉
Say what you will about musky anglers, but we sure as heck aren't going to under-analyze every single datapoint we collect on the water!
Muskies.... everything else is just bait!
Iowa 'skies GIFs
Many of the up-north musky chasers reading this newsletter have either fished Iowa or thought about it.
Locals know guys come from all over to scratch the musky itch before the seasons open up in other parts of the region.
That said, here's some GIF-y musky action from Matt Vavroch last fall in Iowa to make your itch even worse! 😉
☝️ That extra-souped up 'skie popped Matt's mid-sized Medussa on the first turn of the figure 8.
And this Iowa tanker hit his buddy's Beaver #TheMuskyShuffle
Not sure what's better.... The boatside battle or the wave goodbye 👋
Yeah, probably that spicy 🔥 slow-mo release shot.
If you love catchin' Iowa muskies, reply to this email and show us your Iowa PB or most memorable catch.
This Week's Mashup:
Mashup time!
#1 – @fishing_wisconsin captured some awesome underwater footage of a musky toying with his minnow under a tip-up for 4+ minutes straight:
#2 – Here's a look at why Jim Saric likes running Stray Cat cranks on a short-line.... great wiggle, including that hunting/dancing action you're lookin' for.
#3 – Has anyone ever tested normal eyes vs. angry eyes on their gliders?? 😉 Sweet perch-flavored paint job by Madtown Lures:
#4 – Not a musky, but how sweet is this pike painting from Lani Zastre:
– Muskie Odyssey starts TODAY, March 25th (link)
– Fall musky fishing w/ Todays Angler (video)
– November musky trolling w/ Mayhem’s 10k casts (video)
– Early fall river musky fishing w/ Burnin 8’s (video)
– Wisconsin small river musky fishing w/ Keyes (video)
This out-east 'skie looks like she's training for a sumo wrestlin' match! Great catch from Isaiah Price 💪
Props to Rafal Cisowski on boating this gorgeous southern 'skie fishing the recent Battle of the Virginias tourney:
Sheeesh! An absolute tanker (50 inches) from @hellhenderlures on their Razorback rubber bait:
Wanna be featured in Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙
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