Muskie Fertilizer – Cool Hybrid Lure – Catching Musky in Trash
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Expo Memery
The Minnesota Muskie Expo is coming up next weekend (Mar. 8, 9, 10). We'll be there hanging out.... should be a great event.
While we wait six more days for the Great Minnesota Musky Get-Together, let's pass the time with some expo-themed memes:
Anyone else gonna need an alternative entrance into their house after the Expo to avoid explaining how much all those new baits/rods/reels/nets cost?? 😉
Folks who ran into this ☝️ predicament were in this 👇 situation a few hours earlier.
The MN Expo is one of the very last "musky shows" of the year, so the one thing that almost all of it's attendees have in common is it's been a LONG time since we've casted for muskies....
Doesn't matter if it's been a warm winter, it's still been a LONG one.... 😬
Spring is almost here. See ya at the show 🤙
Junkyard 'skies
How's this for a beautiful, scenic musky spot?? 😂
Not the prettiest locale, but you gotta hand it to Cody Dalton on diggin' them outta the junkyard with a Bondy!
Pretty sure this isn't what you imagined when your buddy said he caught that big musky "fishing in the wood"!
You can click here to watch the entire clip – it's no-doubt one of the coolest musky catches we've seen 💪
Insider PRO Update
It's been an awesome winter so far with our PRO crew.
We've had some great conversations with up-north musky pros talking lessons learned from last year and tips for the upcoming season, but we've also talked turkey with southern guys (like Chase Gibson & Chad Harmon) who also chase muskies during the winter months.
Our guest speakers have shared a goldmine of information over the last 10 months.
Another cool perk we wanted to offer members was access to hard-to-find lures.
Check out this "Hybrid" we have available for members this week:
This bait was mentioned as a secret weapon by several different guides during our Insider PRO sessions, and they are very hard to get your hands on right now.
PRO members have grabbed a bunch of these already, but if you're a member and haven't grabbed one yet, there are still a few available!
Another cool perk we have right now for members is 15% off at Thorne Bros.
We have lots planned for the upcoming season, and we're jacked to have Sean Landsmann (scientist) and Ty Sennett (guide, lure developer, tourney ace) on later this month.
Thanks to all who have signed on so far, and if you're interested in joining, registration is currently open. Click here for more information 👍
This Week's Mashup:
Mashup time!
#1 – Musky anglers are a passionate group and we've seen tons of musky-themed tattoos, but this one from Jeb Hanson definitely takes the cheeseburger!
#2 – Anyone ever used "Muskie Fish Emulsion Fertilizer" in their gardens? 😂
From the description on the bottle:
"Muskie Fish Emulsion Fertilizer is a natural organic plant food made from byproducts of the fishing industry."
Haha, what???
#3 – Props to Nick James on capturing this nasty (in a good way) boatside strike while fishin' crystal clear water. 🤤 That's one spunky musky!
#4 – When your best bud posts pictures of your big muskies on social media....
– Muskie Max happening right now! (link)
– Doug Wegner's Boat Walkthrough 2024 (video)
– Big Leech Lake muskies w/ Mayhem's 10k casts (video)
– 285.25 Inches, part 2 w/ Keyes Outdoors (video)
– Tips for musky fishing with kids w/ Steve Heiting (video)
– Tranx 400 vs. 500 w/ Jim Saric (video)
– Lake St. Clair muskies, part 4 w/ Smith's Fishing (video)
Feast your eyes on this super impressive 48 inch tiger musky sent in by Michael Kaplan – congrats on the great catch, man!
Check out the humpback on this big plus-sized brute from guide Scott Parisien:
This bucktail muncher was caught by Josh Abitbol on "The One".
Wanna be featured in Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙
Want to see more from Musky Insider? Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for bonus content throughout the week!
Send all business inquiries to josh@muskyinsider.com