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New MN Musky Management Plan Deets
Most musky sticks that fish in MN have been hoping and praying for an improved DNR management plan for quite some time now.

But will their prayers be answered? Rob Drieslein wrote an article published in Outdoor News this week about the DNR's plans for moving forward and it’s lookin’ like an increased use of yearling muskies for stocking will be part of the plan.
While the DNR is predicted to have a plan available for public review by late April, the article does give some insights on what we can expect:
Here’s a few highlights:
“Bemidji-based Fisheries Research Scientist Brian Herwig provided an update on the state's 2025-2040 muskie plan . . .
Herwig said studies have shown that stocking yearlings as long as 16 or 17 inches show higher survival rates than do smaller, 8- to 10-inch fingerlings. For that reason, the DNR will focus more on stocking yearlings.
For every five muskie fingerlings the DNR has been stocking, it believes it can stock one yearling that will deliver higher survivability.
"The long-term hope is that we have fish that actually are surviving when we put them in. And we'll be putting in fewer, too, so it might actually be cheaper,’ he said. Herwig said the long-range plan for muskies aims to convert 20% of current fingerling stocking into yearlings.”
This part right here gives us cause for optimism. 👇
“The updated plan also will focus - per survey feedback - on improving traditional big-lake fisheries such as Mille Lacs, Vermilion, and Minnetonka to ease pressure off smaller fisheries.”
We’re hopin’ this means big stocking increases of these fisheries and possibly the resurrection of Lake Mille Lacs. 🙏
Unfortunately, it appears as though adding new musky lakes may not be part of the new plan, but we’re keepin’ our fingers crossed.🤞
But, the reality is restoring a 128,000+ acre lake like Mille Lacs will likely absorb a lot more fishing pressure than adding a handful of smaller new lakes.
It sounds like forward-facing sonar was discussed at the same DNR Roundtable session. However, there was no mention of any proposed regulation changes for FFS in the article.
Speaking of FFS, we’re wrappin’ up our FFS survey and closing it down on Tuesday, February 4th. If you haven’t taken the survey yet, this is your last chance to share your thoughts.
The survey is extensive and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. (But, if it makes you feel any better, it took us a lot longer to create it!)
Please note: We have the survey divided into three sections for three different groups of people.
A survey for musky anglers and musky guides that do not own or frequently use forward facing sonar.
A survey for musky anglers (that aren't guides) that own and frequently use forward facing sonar.
A survey only for musky guides that own and use forward facing sonar.
All three versions of the survey have the exact same questions. The only difference is, the musky anglers and guides that own and use FFS have additional questions asking them about how they are using it and quantifying how it effects their catch rates, size of the fish they catch, etc. The group of guides and anglers that do not currently own FFS also have one extra question on how they feel others using FFS may be affecting their own fishing experience.
While we have over 200 survey responses already, we would love to hear from more of you, especially the guides!
While we got a good laugh out of it, a chicken leg bait might not be as far fetched as you think . . .
Some of you may remember the fish diet pics we shared a couple years ago from fisheries researcher Kamden Glade - here's one of the more unique shots:

That's the stomach contents of a largemouth bass sampled in Kamden’s study.
"The largemouth bass that gave this sample went through the buffet line and got a fish (tadpole madtom), a small snapping turtle, and a DANG CHICKEN LEG. Just when you think you have fish figured out, they go and do stuff like this.”
They find some really weird stuff in the stomachs of fish, like this hot dog/brat found in the stomach of a lake trout by a fisheries crew near Duluth, MN in 2021.

This wasn’t the first time they found a weenie in the belly of a laker either. The MN DNR first reported finding a frank in a laker back in 2012.
If you’re still doubting chicken legs being on the menu for a musky, maybe you haven’t come across this video yet?

You know it’s been a tough day when the gang comes up with the idea to hang a chicken carcass on a bucktail.😂

It only took one cast for this giant to lunch this very different version of a Funky Chicken!
This made us think.... what weird stuff have you seen come outta either end of a musky?? If you have any stories or photos, reply to this email and let us know!
Catch Your Moment Foundation
We wanted to take a moment to shine a light on one of our Musky Insider PRO members Timmon Lund.

Timmon’s life changed when he was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in 2012. He went through dozens of rounds of chemo, a full month of radiation, two separate bone marrow transplants, and was at the edge of not making it when a final-hour salvage treatment saved him in 2015.
He was literally sent home with hospice medicine for a couple months and couldn’t even sit upright. Luckily, he survived and now has been cancer free for 10 years.
Fishing was a big part of what pulled him through those challenging times and also inspired him to create the Catch Your Moment Foundation, a fishing charity to give back to others fighting cancer.
“Friends and family would pick me up and bring me to the lake. Just getting out took me away from what I was faced with and provided a relief that medicine couldn't. Now, this is my way to give back.”
Catch Your Moment Foundation is a group of dedicated anglers and professionals connecting families touched by cancer with the therapeutic sport of fishing.
The objective of the foundation is to provide peer support with an opportunity to find inspiration, healing connections, and enjoy the outdoors with an experienced angler. Catch Your Moment is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit. All fishing trips and costs incurred are 100% donated and volunteered.
Timmon has become much more than just an Insider PRO member over the past couple years. He’s spent time in the boat with Musky Insider owner Josh Borovsky and a close friendship developed.
He has also been a key contributor to the newsletter over the past 8 months since Josh fully took over the reins at Musky Insider. Timmon is the one responsible for many of the gifs, memes, and mashup items you see in the newsletter. Like this one. 👇
So we wanted to give Timmon and his charity a shout out this issue. It also occurred to us that our 20,000+ newsletter subscribers also love to fish and one of our readers or someone they know may be touched by cancer and in need of some fishing therapy.
If you know of someone who might be a candidate you can reach Timmon through their website.
BTW Catch Your Moment is having their annual fundraiser in Duluth on Feb. 8th. It’s free to attend and there’ll be free beer and apps!
They have some great fishing related items involved with the silent auction and raffle prizes including a Garmin Livescope Plus system, and you don’t have to be present to win it!
If you’re interested in raffle tickets, donating to the foundation, or attending the upcoming event in Duluth you can reach Timmon on facebook or instagram.
This Week's Mashup:
Mashup time!
#1 – Let’s kick this mashup off with this tasty clip we found on the Musky Frenzy Facebook page. Can’t stop watching this one! 👀
#3 – I think a lot of us feel the same way Dan Cambell does here in this clip. I’m not crying, you’re crying. 😂
#4 – Last week we featured teams with muskies as mascots. One of our readers shared a cool lookin’ one we missed . . . The Fort Frances High School Muskies!
– 3 BEST WAYS TO CATCH A MUSKIE In-depth Shield Lake Breakdown (video) w/ 54 or bust
– Two More Down Part 2 (video) w/ Keyes Outdoors Musky Hunting Adventures
– BEST MUSKIE FISHING BAITS UNDER $20 (video) w/ Matt Vavroch Fishing
– Summer Rocks (video) w/ MuskyHunterTV
– Chasing GIANT Musky from the Kayak! (Kristine Fisher) (video) w/ Kayak Fishing Weekly
– Episode 303 - Chicago Muskie Expo - Tales from the Tackle Booth (link) w/ Back Lash Podcast
This Week's Monster Muskies:
Zach Jarchow sent in this tank-o-tiger to us that he caught on a dock. Way to go! 👊

We're lovin’ this Minnesota Metro beauty from Brandon Norten!
Ben Dorow got this thick hunchback during his suckerpalooza event in October. He also shared this fish has been caught multiple times by a friend!
This THICK 46” tiger gave 13 year old Finnley Frank smiles for days. Congrats on the new PB Finnley! 👊
Wanna be featured in Musky Insider? Send in your recent trophy musky photos by replying to this email. You might just see your pic in next week's newsletter. 🤙

Want to see more from Musky Insider? Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for bonus content throughout the week!