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Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. Ugly Shrinker Here's an interesting one sent in by Chad Harmon who guides muskies in Ohio. (You might remember Chad from a newsletter earlier this year where he shared some great musky trollin' tips 🔥) Anyway, check out this extra-ugly duckling his clients and buddies have caught four times over the past three years: And here's the other three pics: Here's a few more interesting deets...

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Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. Back to the Resource In light of Eric Bakke's new Minnesota C&R record musky we highlighted in last week's newsletter, let’s do a “Let ‘em go, let ‘em grow!” segment highlighting some sweet release shots. Most monster muskies don't grow to gargantuan sizes without visiting the inside of a net at least a couple times. Catch and release works, especially when you handle 'em...

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Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. Record Breaker 💪 Minnesota has a NEW catch-and-release musky record! Huge congrats to Eric Bakke on putting this ridiculous 58.25 incher in the net and setting a high bar for everyone else to chase: No surprise (especially if you've been paying attention), this monster was caught trolling on Mille Lacs Lake. She hit a 12-inch Headlock in the "black rice" color. Determining the "biggest" musky EVER caught in...

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Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. BIG Buffalo Sighting And the award for the best musky photo of the year (so far) goes to..... Hans Mann with this absolutely gargantuan Buffalo Harbor brute: Maybe the coolest part about this catch is the fact that Hans was actually targeting muskies (trolling with his guide clients Josh Ketry and Dan King). It seems like the majority of the super-giants that come out of systems like Lake Erie...

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Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. Fall Suspendos Gord "The Doc" Pyzer had a good writeup in Outdoor Canada this week. He talked about bluff wall fishin' and how adding weight to your dive-and-rise baits can be lethal for fall muskies. That's the recipe that he used to put this 'skie in the boat: Gord: "When I was presenting [my grandson] Liam’s weighted Bobby Bait to the fish the other day,...

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