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Muskies in Alaska??? – Killer LOTW Tips – Speared Trophy Musky 😥
Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. New kids on the block It's official: Garmin and Lowrance are getting into the trolling motor game. Big, big news – especially for Minn Kota who currently owns over 80% of the market.This is a serious shake-up. Both companies are bursting onto the scene with high-end models priced over $3,000 vs. less than $2,500 for Minn Kota's flagship Ultrex. One of the most talked about features on both these units...
NEW Can't-Miss Musky Lure – Crazy Anti-Musky Nonsense – Spencer Berman Castin' Tips
Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. LEGIT New Rubber Bait And we can FINALLY talk about it....It’s called the Whale Tail, and it’s a serious fish-catcher. Josh Borovsky had the opportunity to use it last year, and here’s what he had to say:“At first glance, you might think it just looks like a big grub – so what? That was my first impression as well when I got to...