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Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. Fall Turnover Tips Depending on where you're reading this from, your favorite musky fishin' lake is probably either post-turnover or right in the middle of it....  Turnover happens when the water above the thermocline becomes denser than the water below the thermocline (colder water = denser water), circulating the entire water column with oxygen. It kinda looks like this: Turnover usually happens...

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Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. Live Viewin' Muskies We love talkin' baits and tactics, but the biggest "game-changer" in musky fishing over the past couple decades has been electronics. First it was high-def mapping, then it was Side Imaging.... now it's live viewing sonar like Garmin Livescope, Lowrance ActiveTarget and Humminbird MEGA Live. For how big the live sonar stuff has gotten the last couple years, I'm surprised there aren't more...

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Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. Musky Anglers Only   Cool idea from Keyes Outdoors.... They asked their FB followers: "Tell me you’re a musky angler without telling me you’re a musky angler. Post your photo/comment below for a chance to win a free KO shirt...." Lots of GREAT responses, here's a few of our favorites: #1 – Bass guys like to show off their "bass thumb". All we can say is "that's cute!" This shot from Anthony...

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Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. Musky Data/Charts Stumbled upon an interesting study this week talkin' success rate for walleye and musky fishin' on Escanaba Lake in WI. What's cool about this study is that they looked at stuff like lunar position, whether or not the anglers were using a guide, and livebait vs. artificials. Here's a few musky-specific graphs that caught our eye: I don't know a ton about...

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Be the FIRST to see Musky Insider every week by signing up for the email version of this newsletter. It's 100% free and we will never sell your email address! Click here to sign up and never miss another issue. PMTT Champs Huge congrats to father-son duo Chris & Peter Blicharz on taking down 39 hardcore tourney teams this past weekend at the PMTT Championship on the Chippewa Flowage. They won some big fancy trophies 🏆 and a brand new Ranger boat! #ChaChing Based on the results, it looks like the 'skies were a little tight-lipped. It only took three fish for 46.75, 43.25 and 37.5 inches to beat the...

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